Carolina Aguero

KantArt photo gallery is designed to promote diversity without borders by showing international photography based on the concept of viewing art through and in front of the camera’s eye. The gallery opened to support diversity within photography shot by talented professional artists who engage with all facets of societal issues, historical precedents, and the changing contemporary times. With a digital approach, KantArt Gallery offers a space of contact, where audiences and artists examine the photographic arts through their own private readings of the media. KantArt Gallery’s project purpose is to open a space of contact. This digital space offers valuable prints and creative projects to new and consolidated art collectors, photography lovers, and general audiences. Whether experimenting with or following traditional photographic techniques, our represented artists are exploring wide-ranging contemporary photography through its genre.

We are looking to partner with individuals and art projects who share our interests and dialogue mission.
(480) 444-6147
